Omega 3 X


Omega3 X is an essential fatty acid. Essential means it cannot be made by body, so we need to regularly get
this vital component in our daily diet. Approximately 30% of human brain is composed of this miracle fat therefore, ts very important for human body to get right amount of Omega3 fatty acids for the development & active functioning of the brain. It also helps in boosting heart & cardiovascular health & additionally acts as a stress resistor. Prepared using naturally available sources, Life At Nature’s Omega3 X soft gels are essential supplement to fulfill the needs of the body in this direction. Adults & children above age of three can consume this soft gels every day.

Anxiety & Depression | Fibromyalgia & Arthritis |
Cardiovascular disease | ADHD & Autism | Learning
& Behaviour Disorders | Skin Diseases & Dry Skin |
Alzheimers & Memory Loss | Obesity & Infertility |
Mascular Degeneration & dry Eye | Postpartum
Depression | Pre Term Delivery | Asthma & Allergies |
Sinusitis & Rhinitis | Respiratory Tract Health |
Natural Blood Thinner | Bronchitis & Common Cold |
Reduce Triglycerides | Reduces Cholesterol

Each 1000mg soft gel capsule contains – Calories – 10 |
Calories from Fat – 10 | Total fat – 1mg | Saturated fat –
0.25g | Monounsaturated fat – 0.25g | Polyunsaturated fat
– 0.5g | Cholesterol – 5mg | Omega-3 Fatty acids (EPA –
180mg, DHA – 120mg, Total – 300mg)


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