Gastro X


It is a false notion that acidity or gastritis arises because of the consumption of spicy , sour food or by stress. Instead, it is caused by a type of bacteria called H-Pylori present in our stomach. With the introduction of Life At Nature’s GASTRO X tablet, we aim to control and remove these bacteria and is proven beneficial.

Each 1000mg tablet contains extracts of –
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice – 100mg | Mentha
peperita – 5mg | Fennel seed -100mg | Tinospora
cordifolia – 100mg | Ginger powder – 100mg | Nigella
sativa – 100mg

Protects Stomach Lining from Excess Acid | Relieve
Gastric Reflux | Manage Nausea & Indigestion |
Controls Stomach Pain | Helpful to heal ulcers |
Fights Migraine | Helpful in Leaky gut syndrome |
Manage Gut Inflammation | Fight Small Intestinal
Bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

Gastritis | Acidity | Hyperacidity | Heart Burn | Ulcer |
Acid Reflux | Migraine | Indigestion | Bloating &
Burping | IBS


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